Traders of the Lost Art

These items are pieces that I have in my inventory. Most of the items are recent acquisitions and are usually for sale, but often I'll feature a piece just because I find it interesting/unusual and worthy of attention. Feel free to comment or inquire.

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Location: Rockford, Illinois, United States

Monday, August 23, 2010

Deer hoof lamps with Wisconsin lamp shades

For the very's a pair of deer hoof lamps with Wisconsin postcard lamp shades.

Already they've created quite a stir with our neighbors to the immediate north.

There was a period of time, I believe in the late 50's, when items like these were very much in vogue, although probably only in the Northwoods.

Indeed, they still would look fantastic in a cabin at a lake.

One side of the lampshade is red, the other black. $150/pr.